A Door of Hope Trauma-Informed
Peer Facilitator Training Community
Because life is always... always... always just ahead

“Hope still wins, but it often has scraped knees
because it keeps crawling forward.”
- Jo Saxton

Why trauma-informed training?
Because people often turn to faith-based support groups for support and care. And yet, traumatized people often describe feeling unsafe in these presumably “supportive” environments. When attempts to bring help and see change fail, two things can happen: helpers feel frustrated, and survivors are often re-traumatized.
Although many in church recognize and acknowledge some experiences as traumatic, there’s a gap between understanding trauma’s causes and scope, its multidimensional impact, and the ‘how’ and ‘what’ of trauma recovery in supporting traumatized human beings.
To learn more about becoming trauma-informed click here.
Helping partners heal after
sexual betrayal