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Running out of time? Or, just in time?

Writer's picture: Donna Meredith DixonDonna Meredith Dixon

Renew Ten-day free hour online Summit begins Monday, May 10 through May 19

April was a BUSY month for me (see SILS update below). I learned about the S from colleague friends presenting at Renew this week. licensed counselors, ministry leaders, mentors, coaches, lawyers, and mediators to share their expertise. While I don’t know everyone speaking, the list of those I know, respect, and trust includes Janice Caudill & Dan Drake, Gaelyn Rae Emerson, Ella Hutchinson, Conrad & Kathy Reynolds, Laurie Hall, Richard Butler & Fran Hopwood, Sherri Payne, Angie Andrew, Sheila Gilmore, Marsha Means, Karen & John Rellos, Laura Jenkins, Connie & Bob Spiegel.

Because of its focus, THIS BraveHearts’ summit is critically important for those living through – or walking alongside those in – porn/sexual addiction or betrayal trauma recovery. From my interactions with those in my work as a peer facilitator trainer, I know how deep the need is for a common understanding of best practices, value, and importance of the topics being covered. I’m trusting that for those experiencing separation or divorce (or supporting those who are) this summit experience may be life-changing.

Topics covered include:

  • The Journey Ahead How to Navigate Disclosure, Separation, or Divorce, What to Expect

  • Separation & Reconciliation In-Home vs. Physical Separation, Timing, Mediation Options

  • Managing Your Emotions Dealing With Anger, Hurt, Sadness, Resentment, Depression

  • Therapeutic Disclosure Understanding The Clinical Roadmap, When and How Much to Disclose.

  • Dealing with Grief Understanding How to Grieve Well, Health Impacts, Grieving Past Abuse.

  • Financial & Legal Concerns Understanding the Legal Process, Child Custody, Financial Impacts.

  • Navigating Relationships Dealing With Your Ex-Spouse, Former In-Laws, Friends, Relatives.

  • Singleness & Starting Over Waiting vs. Dating, Identity Shifts, Finding Your Voice Again.

  • Children & Blended Families Understanding Remarriage, Step-Parenting, Blending Families.

  • Finding Hope & Renewal Learning To Embrace Your New Life, Second Chances, Helping Others.

You can listen to all the talks for 48 hours for free or get unlimited lifetime access to the entire summit for $67 if you purchase the pass before midnight on May 10. Both passes are available here (an affiliate link, which means I receive a percentage of sales. However, mentioning the summit is not connected to receiving a commission. You can check it out by watch for free first before deciding to purchase.

April update: Sexual Integrity Leadership Summit April 28 - May 1

With C-SASI board members (L-R) Jake Porter, Troy Snyder (Board President), Barbara Steffens (Board Advisor) Ella Hutchinson (Missing from photo board members Jeff Hutchinson, Lisa and Michael Taylor)

What joy meeting some from the ADOH community in person for the first time, as well as beloved APSATS colleagues - as well as connecting with others. I deeply appreciated the collaborative approach SILS leaders used in creating the Summit.

I appreciated the opportunity to speak about a topic near and dear to my heart - The journey through a spiritual crisis after experiencing sexual betrayal trauma (and applies to other traumatic experiences).

If you couldn't attend the Summit 2021 in San Antonio, TX but would like to learn from established leaders in the Sex Addiction and Partner Trauma Fields (or you attended and would like a filmed recording) we hope to have one available soon! If interested, please stop by the C-SASI website and send us an email so we can contact you when it is available.

Connection and collaboration are core ADOH values

Consider these opportunities

From the UK Naked Truth Project

The internet has changed the landscape of childhood and adolescence.

As a parent, you may be aware of the new challenges and changes the internet presents, but feel uncertain about how to help your children navigate it safely. It’s easy to be overwhelmed by the vastness of this digital landscape, especially if you feel like your kids know their way around the internet, tablets and apps better than you! That’s why Naked Truth partners with community groups, churches and schools to deliver the PG WORKSHOP.

From my colleague, Gaelyn Rae Emerson

The Elephant in the Church: A Survey on Women's Experience in Christian Ministry

Are you a woman? Have you had paid or volunteer experience working in a Protestant church or ministry setting? Would you be willing to take a brief survey (5-minutes) and tell my colleague Andrew J. Bauman about your experience? He’s working on his dissertation and a future book about women's experience in Church and would love your voice! Survey link

And from my colleague Pam Blizzard

Facing Heartbreak Workbook Study and Support Groups, incorporating the Multidimensional Trauma Model. Three different days and times to choose from, limited to 6 members and runs for 14 weeks. This group is best for those who are new to recovery, or have never felt validated by a helping professional.

April was a BUSY month for me (see SILS update below). I learned bfrom colleague friends presenting at Renew this week. licensed counselors, ministry leaders, mentors, coaches, lawyers, and mediators to share their expertise.

Looking forward... starting a new training cohort Wednesday, May 19!

We've loved our time in Texas, being with our daughter and family in Austin, and son and family in San Antonio as well as reconnecting with colleagues/friends here.

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